Note! To order succesfully, please don't add fresh products and home cultivation products to same basket.
Fresh Products Home Delivery: Orders placed between 25.12.-21.01. will be delivered 04.02. and orders placed between 22.01.-18.02. will be delivered 04.03.

Sustainable choices

Satohuone is built to be an especially ecological urban farm. But what does it actually mean?

All Satohuone's products are cultivated by hand in a clean, controlled environment without any pesticides, additives or preservatives. All microgreens seeds are untreated and GMO-free. Production parameters are continuously monitored, lots are marked and documented. Good hygiene, food safety, and quality control are the cornerstones of successful cultivation and high-quality product.

Satohuone's mushrooms and microgreens are cultivated in vertical layers, reducing the need for cultivation area and keeping energy consumption low. Mushrooms are grown in up to 9 layers, microgreens in six, and there is additional storage space above the grow rooms.

Vertical farming also enables true hyperlocal production - Satohuone is only 6 kilometers away from the city center. Short transportation distances reduce emissions and bring the producer closer to customers. Locally produced food is also guaranteed to be fresh (which also reduces food waste).

Great efforts are made to minimize waste as efficiently as possible, but there will inevitably be surplus crops at times. Surplus mushrooms are dried for further processing, and excess greens are donated to the church-run food bank, from where they are given to those in need of food assistance.

As mushrooms grow, they produce carbon dioxide, just like we humans do. Plants, on the other hand, utilize carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Satohuone recycles the carbon dioxide produced by mushrooms for the benefit of the microgreens. This process further reduces the carbon footprint and enhances the growth of the greens. <3

Spent mushroom substrates are recycled at AhlmanEdu vocational school as part of the FUSILLI project, where they are transformed into bioactive compost and soil conditioner. From spring to autumn, the spent substrates are also available for purchase. In addition to improving the soil health, they continue to produce abundant mushrooms!

Mushrooms are cultivated in straw pellets, an underutilized by-product of the grain industry. Microgreens are grown on hemp fiber mats, made from unused by-products of the hemp industry. One person's trash is another person's treasure.

Satohuone predominantly uses recycled coated cardboard boxes as product packaging. When these cardboard packages are recycled, the coating is separated, and both the coating and the cardboard are recycled for use in new products. Large 1.5 kg mushroom boxes used for restaurant deliveries are collected from grocery stores, washed, and reused.

The growing season in Finland is short. Indoor cultivation allows for a year-round harvest, unaffected by weather conditions. Controlled and optimized growing conditions ensure high-quality products, eliminating the risk of crop loss due to fluctuating weather conditions or pests.

Energy consumption is minimized using air-source heat pumps, LED lights, and optimized use of space. Additionally, the growing mycelium of the mushrooms generates a significant amount of heat, which is utilized for heating the building.

The story behind Satohuone

As in life in general, one thing led to another. I had been contemplating a career change for a long time but couldn't figure out what to do next. Alongside my job I studied nature and environment at Osara to deepen my knowledge of natural resource production, seeking for inspiration from a topic that was important to me. And indeed I found it.

I vividly remember the teacher's comment during a mushroom course: "I believe mushroom cultivation will increase in Finland." Eureka! Upon hearing this sentence, I experienced an immediate feeling of clarity and knew exactly what I would do next.

I had been cultivating oyster mushrooms as a hobby for some time, so I didn't have to start from scratch. For some reason, I had to spend time in a classroom to connect my hobby and thoughts about changing careers. Shortly after finishing school and while on paternity and parental leave, I spent my evenings writing a business plan and absorbing information about entrepreneurship and professional mushroom cultivation. Microgreens came into the picture when I discovered how seamlessly they fit in with mushrooms, both in terms of production and nutritional value.

The more information I gathered, the more motivated I became. Gradually, the whole picture of how incredible my own urban farm could be became clear. And not incredible only for myself. I decided to build the entire business on as an ecologically sustainable basis as possible, so I could stand tall behind my company.

Then came the more concrete steps to establish the business, which took a while or two. Eventually, it was time to take the big leap into the unknown, and that is how Satohuone was born.

Tampere has given me a lot, and now I have the chance to give something back. <3

Healthy, delicious, and environmentally friendly locally produced food. Food that truly does good.
